Tuning Fork Film Workshop (13-18 June @ Deer Park)

When: 13-18 June 2015
Where: Deer Park Institute, Bir
Who: THE HIMALAYAN FILM SCHOOL and Deer Park Institute

Bring out the storyteller in you, learn to make films in the mountains

Watch Films | Tell stories | Have fun

Learn to shoot on DSLRs

Edit on professional software

Script – Shoot – Edit & Export

leave the workshop with YOUR OWN FILM

Ankit Pogula – 9810146679

Shreya Kakria – 9717066975



Tuning Fork Film Workshop (24-29 April @ Deer Park)

What: Film workshop

When: 24-29 April, 2012

Where: Deer Park Institute

Who: Ankit Pogula and Sachi Maniar

Description: Tuning Fork Film Workshops are about learning how to make films with minimum resources, how to get creative in filmmaking and above all how to evaluate the relevance of what one wants to convey through this powerful and captivating medium.

During the course of the workshop, through different exercises and activities participants will learn to script, storyboard, shoot, edit and finally export one’s ‘own’ film. It is a process that involves creativity, teamwork and self-reflection.

For more informationhttp://www.deerpark.in/programs/schedule/tuning-fork-film-workshop/