
Unless otherwise indicated, all material on this website (including text, images, video, and audio, unless otherwise indicated on a per-item basis) is copyright Earthville Network and Dharmalaya Society, some rights reserved, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Creative Commons License
This means that you may use any material from this website freely for noncommercial purposes provided that you clearly attribute such material to “Earthville Network and Dharmalaya Society” as the author and include the URL (website address) of the specific page on the website where the material was originally published (or, if work is drawn from more than one page, the URL of the first page of the material, or simply See the Creative Commons license description for details.

How to credit reproduced material:
 If you do reproduce any textual content from this website, you must include the following license information:

Creative Commons License Creative Commons License

This material is copyright Earthville Network & Dharmalaya Society and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Additionally, any photographs, videos, or audio material must be credited to their respective creators. If the name of a creator of a photograph, video, or audio file you wish you reproduce is not posted on our website, please contact Dharmalaya so that they may provide you with the name to be credited.

Derivative works: This license does not include permission for derivative works. If you are interested in creating derivative works based on the textual material published on the website, please contact Dharmalaya to explain your proposed use of the material and request permission to create a derivative work.

No commercial use without permission: Under no circumstances may digital media (images, video, audio) from this website be used commercially without explicit prior written permission from Dharmalaya or the Earthville Network.