Sustainable Living in the Himalayas: Volunteer Programme at Dharmalaya (7 April – 31 May)

What: Informal volunteer and service-learning programme
Topic: Sustainable living in the Himalayas, including green building, organic gardening, and permaculture landscaping
When: 7 April to 31 May, 2012 (Participants may arrive and depart anytime in this period)
Where: Dharmalaya Institute
Languages: English & Hindi
Facilitators: Mark Moore, Naresh Sharma, et al

Description: Informal programme at the Dharmalaya Institute open to both residential and non-residential participants. We will be doing fun, physical work, including green building, organic gardening, tree planting, and more. There will be plenty of opportunities for learning, application, questions, and relaxation (we’re also doing an optional meditation programme for those who are interested). Feel free to come and go anytime between 7 April and 31 May. (And, if you don’t mind getting very wet, you might even stay on longer during the monsoon tree-planting season if you like.)

For more information see Dharmalaya’s volunteer page, read the FAQ, and complete the volunteer application if you’re interesting in joining us.